Have you ever noticed that someone is being violent because they were hiding somthing? In the book Insurgent by Veronica Roth, Tris realizes that the Erudite are trying to kill Divergent because the information that they are hiding, is so important.
The information that they are hiding must be so important because Jeanine kills 2 people to keep it secret. Jeanine, the Erudite leader has tried to put everyone under a simulation so they won't try to find out the secret information. But there's one thing in her way. The simulation doesn't work on the Divergent. Jeanine wants to experiment with the Divergent so bad, that she uses 2 Dauntless under the simulation to commit suicide, by jumping off the top of the building. I think that it's too much. she should've only kidnapped a Dauntless. Not by killing 2 Dauntless. ("This is not a negotiation. It's a warning," says the simulation through Marlene, moving her lips and vibrating her throat. "Every two days until one of you delivers yourself to Erudite headquarters, this will happen again."
Marlene steps back...)
Since the information is so secret, the Erudite are using simulation controlled people to guard it. Their safety system is so precice since they are under a simulation, it makes them look like they don't want anyone to get into the Headquarters. It makes me feel like the information will destroy them. The information could probably tear apart so thing that took a long time to build. What ever it is, it seems like something to die for. (Standing in four rows infront of us are a group of people, mostly dressed in black an white, spaced two feet apart, guns held up and ready. I blink and the become simulation-controlled Dauntless in the Abnegation sector during the simulation attack.)
Jeanine even wanted and did, examine Tris, to learn how to make a simulation that controlled Divergent so she could control everyone and make sure they didn't find out the information. And she was particularly happy that Tris came. After the 2 Dauntless jump off the roof, Tris turns herself in to Jeanine. Jeanine is very plaesed that Tris in particular came, because since Tris is one of the strongest Divergent, so if she finds a simulation that can control her, it can control almost all of the Divergent. I think it's a little sick to examine a person to control people like them, because it just doesn't seem right. I would never do it, even if I was hiding information. Because, I respect people's privacy. I wouldn't go poking around and examining them. ("I am very pleased that you, in particular, are here," says Jeanine. She walks past me and perches on the table, her fingers curled around the edges."I am pleased, of course, because of your aptitude test result." Her blond hair, pulled tight to her skull, reflects the light, catches my attention. "Even among Divergent, you are somewhat of an oddity, because you have an apptitude for three factions. Abnegation, Dauntless and Erudite." "How..." my voice croak. I push the question out. "How did you know that?" "All in a good time," she says. "From your result I have ditermined that you are one of the strongest Divergent, which I say not to compliment you but explain my purpose. If I am to develop a simulation that cannot be thwarted by the Divergent mind, I. must study the strongest Divergent mind in order to shore up all weaknesses in the technology. Understand?")
In Insurgent by Veronica Roth, Tris realizes that the Erudite is holding information. While learning that, she learns that some people are untrustworthy and were some people, she thought, would never betray her. In her journey, she uncovers the importance of the information.