Oh fudge, I thought. The busses were just pulling out of the parking lot as I realized that I had left my iPad and purse in the girls locker room after track. There was no turning back. I could not have stopped the bus from leaving the bus loop just to allow me to get my things. The whole ride home, I developed a plan to go back to school and get my things. Finally, the bus came to a steady stop in front of my street. I rushed home and carefully rang the door bell.
"Mommy," I declared,"We must go back to school because I think I left my IPad there."
She didn't look to happy, but we still hopped into the car and drove back to school. We slowly pulled into the drop off and pick up lane. With the agility of a hare, I swiftly hopped out of the car and ran into the school. I half jog, half sprinted into on the girls locker room. I looked in every nook and cranny, but could not find my IPad and purse. Where could it be? I ran to the lost and found, but I still couldn't find them. So just to on make sure, I ran back to my locker and could not find it. When I got home, I was desparate. I tried Find My IPhone, but my IPad's iCloud was turned off. My mind was racing. Where could it be? It couldn't have been stolen! Maybe somone I know picked it up for me. Then, the idea to text everyone poped into my yum head. I quickly grabbed Erika's IPad and went on Messages. I started frantically texting on the group chat to see if anyone had a clue where it was. Megan texted, "I have it." I sighed with relief. My things were safe.
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