n It was a rainy day in Seattle, it did not make mourning any better. About half way across the U.S., was the familiar place that I called home. I left almost everything I had behind. Old memories, old friends, my old school, literally everything that had become the foundation of my life had been left behind. It all started on a dark and dreary day in Montauk, New York. I arrived home at approximately 8:00 from soccer practice with my friend Kendall.
“Honey, can we see you for a minute,” my mother asked.
“Yeah, why,” I wondered.
“Well, as you know your father was a contender for a job Melanie’s Auto Insurance,” mom continued, “He didn't get the job he asked for.”
“What,” I exclaimed, “But dad was so perfect for it.”
“He got a job to work at Melanie’s Auto Insurance,” mom continued, emphasizing the "a", “But in Seattle.”
“Wait, I don’t have to go to Seattle do I. This is the part where you tell me that I’m not moving to Seattle,” I pleaded.
“I’m sorry, but we’re leaving next week,” mom muttered.
“No, I’m staying here with everything I know as reality,” I yelled.
“Keep it down. Your father doesn't want to know that you are disappointed,” mom whispered.
“I’ll just stay with grandma and you and dad can go to Seattle,” I begged.
“No, we have already made the decision and we are going to go,” mom yelled.
I walked back into the room where Kendall had been waiting and cried my eyes out. On the day of our move across the US, Kendall gave me a necklace.
“Don’t forget me Kenzie,” she asked. “Why would I, you’re my best friend,” I said.
For the next 5 minutes we stood there shedding hot tears that we could no longer hold back.
“That’s enough. We’ll be late for our flight,” my mom said as she dragged me into the car.
School in Seattle was such a drag at first, but once I made some friends, Seattle started to feel like home.
"Hi I'm Kenzie. Umm, do you happen to know where AP Science is," I asked a girl.
"Yeah, my name's Maia and I'm heading there right now," the girl replied, "Are you new here?"
"Yeah, I'm from New York," I replied.
"That's far from here," Maia remarked
"I know, I still adjusting to Seattle," I sighed.
"Well, would you like to join the theater club tonight at the diner near the movie theater," asked Maia.
"I'd love to," I replied.
"Well, here we are," said Maia, showing me into the science lab.
"I know, I still adjusting to Seattle," I sighed.
"Well, would you like to join the theater club tonight at the diner near the movie theater," asked Maia.
"I'd love to," I replied.
"Well, here we are," said Maia, showing me into the science lab.
I quickly thanked Maia and headed into the room. During the day I fantasized how great my life could be in Seattle, but I later felt guilty about replacing Montauk. The guilt was so overwhelming. That was until I realized that Seattle could be called my home, but that doesn't mean I can't be a Montauk girl.
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